Tiered craft caddy made with cake pans, candlesticks, bonding glue, and a little paint.
Below was my first attempt. As you can see below, the candlesticks were too large for the piece and it was very lopsided. It really also needs a larger cake pan on the bottom, but part of being thrifty is using what you have on hand. As I was taking my first attempt apart, I found that the the candlesticks actually unscrewed and inside each one was a smaller candlestick which turned out to be more proportionate. My son suggested painting the cake tins, which turned out to be a great idea.
I found this grill part (at least I think it's a grill) at the Good Will and thought it would make a good magnet board. It's new home is a perfect fit on my wall calendar base.
I gave the grill a light painting of Ocean Green. Then I picked a rooster picture from an old calendar that I had saved, added a few magnets, and wala. The heavy duty magnets are strong enough to hold a pair of keys so this is perfect for a key hanger as well.
Yesterday I went to the thrift store and while there pulled up Pinterest and the creative bug bit me right there on the arse in the middle of the store. Soon everything became a possibility and I left the store two hours later with a cart full of junk purchased, thinking what did I get myself into.
So today, I am determined to follow through with repurposing some of this junk. Here's what I have so far. This began as an old solid brass candlestick and a silver plated wire basket. I already had the paint. Altogether it cost me $3.00. Stay tuned. I'm bound and determined to redeem myself, lol